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ACNEM, CMA, Long COVID and more – an interview with Dr Mark Donohoe

19 Jun 2023 9:19 AM | Deleted user

An Australian medical doctor specialising in integrative and functional medicine, Dr Mark Donohoe has a wealth of experience and is actively involved in research, education, and clinical practice in complex chronic illnesses, environmental medicine, and the intersection between genetics and health.


Dr Mark Donohoe, president of ACNEM

As president of ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine), Mark has contributed to numerous educational programs; he has delivered lectures and workshops, sharing his knowledge and expertise with healthcare professionals to promote the study and practice of nutritional and environmental medicine. ACNEM exists to advance the understanding of the role of nutrition and the environment in disease prevention and developing and managing health and disease.


A holistic approach

“ACNEM advocates for a holistic approach to healthcare, emphasising the importance of nutrition, lifestyle factors, and the environment in maintaining health and preventing disease,” says Dr Mark.  “We promote research and collaboration and provide resources and support for healthcare professionals to stay updated with the latest nutritional and environmental medicine developments.


“Forty years ago, Dr Ian Brighthope and other doctors viewed that health should be at the forefront of all – nutrition, exercise, environment and sleep with nutrition and diet first and supplementation where diet is inadequate, and that’s how ACNEM came to be,” he explains.


Putting preventive health on the health agenda

There is far more integrative medicine today, but medicine is not limited to doctors – ACNEM strongly advocated for a health professional team approach focusing on preventive health. “With health promotion as the primary priority, doctors will have less of a focus on treating degenerative and chronic conditions. ACNEM’s role is to provide quality integrative healthcare integration and equip professionals with practical tools to work in complex areas such as long covid, a challenging condition handled by conventional medicines. There are opportunities for various professions to collaborate to find answers that medicine has yet to come up with to tackle healthcare issues,” Dr Mark explains.


Long covid – a significant challenge

The ACNEM 2023 Annual Conference explores one of these significant modern challenges – the complexity of long COVID. It will offer health professionals a comprehensive roadmap to simplify diagnosis and develop effective treatment protocols to address this complex condition successfully. This two-day event combines evidence-based content from international thought leaders on long COVID and is a relevant and important conference for all modalities in Integrative Medicine.


The educators contributing to this conference are recognised as international experts in their fields, including Professor David Putrino, Dr Leo Galland, Dr Elizabeth Steels, Dr James Read, Dr Christabelle Yeoh, Dr Jason Kaplan, Professor Kerryn Phelps AM, Tracey Spicer AM, Anne Wilson and George Sondergeld.


“The 2023 conference structure features both plenary and case-study learning to ensure a deep understanding of the Physiological processes of long COVID and practical insight into treatment strategies,” ends Dr Mark.


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