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CMA welcomes comments on the following open consultations and reviews:

Comments on the following consultation documents can be sent to

General Consultations


The NHMRC research funding program and calendar is available on the NHMRC website here.

2023 release

The Treasury: 2024-25 Pre-budget submissions

Closed 25 January 2024

The Albanese Government is inviting individuals, businesses, and community groups to submit their ideas and priorities for the 2024-25 Budget. It is vital that policy development is informed by as wide a range of views as possible; in order to allow your views to feed into the Budget process, interested parties should lodge submissions by the closing date. 

The Treasury: 2024–25 Pre-Budget submissions

NHMRC: Australian Dietary Guidelines Review – public call for systematic review evidence

Closed 1 September 

Stakeholders and members of the public are invited to submit evidence for high-quality systematic reviews for selected diet and nutrition-related topics.

The nutrition and diet related topics selected for inclusion in the call for systematic reviews are considered a high priority for review based on their impact on public health and wellbeing and strong likelihood the evidence-base has changed enough to change recommendations since the 2013 Guidelines.

Topics that are critical for national dietary guideline recommendations are not necessarily considered the highest priority for review. Where the evidence base is unlikely to have changed enough to change recommendations, existing evidence will be compared with the evidence base from recognised international groups. Notably, micronutrients are not listed among the priorities, which may indicate that no dramatic changes to the evidence base has occurred.

Australian Dietary Guidelines Public call for systematic reviews

Department of Health and Aged CareInvitation to comment on a clinical trial of genetically modified Lactobacillus brevis bacteria

Closed 25 August

An invitation for written submissions from the public on the consultation version of the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan. It also explains how the public can access the consultation documents and the due date for submissions.

DIR 197:Clinical trial of genetically modified Lactobacillus brevis for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease

Department of Health and Aged Care: National Health and Climate Strategy

Closed 24 July

The Australian Government is developing Australia’s first National Health and Climate Strategy, in recognition of the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the health system, and strengthen the resilience of the health system and communities to anticipate and respond to the health impacts of climate change.

Consultation: National Health and Climate Strategy

Department of Health and Aged Care: National Health & Medical Research Strategy 

Closed 14 July 2023

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has announced a consultation process, closing 14 July,  on a National Health and Medical Research Strategy. The Department and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) are undertaking national consultation to improve alignment and coordination between the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and Medical Research Endowment Account (MREA).

Consultation: Improving alignment and coordination between the Medical Research Future Fund and Medical Research Endowment Account

Department of Health and Aged Care website for more details.

DAFF: proposal to increase fees and charges

Closed 24 April 2023

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) is seeking comment on proposed increases in fees and charges. Importers of goods will be affected by the proposed increases in fees and charges that relate to inspection, assessment and management of the biosecurity risks associated with imported goods and packaging, including air and sea cargo, containers, food and plants

Biosecurity cost recovery – proposed changes to regulatory charging

Attorney General’s Department: Copyright enforcement review 2022-23

Closed 7 March 2023

A review of Australia's copyright enforcement regime has been announced by the Attorney-General’s Department. This consultation is important for members who provide evidence to TGA for evidence reviews. The Australian Government is carrying out this review to ensure copyright enforcement mechanisms in our laws remain appropriate, effective and proportionate.

The Department would particularly like to hear from those who are dealing with copyright infringement and enforcement issues in practice, or have been a party to copyright enforcement processes, including business users of copyright material. 

Copyright Enforcement Review 

Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) - Management of non-compliance with the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 for unapproved therapeutic goods

Closed 30 April 2023

The ANAO is assessing the effectiveness of the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s management of non-compliance with the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 for unapproved therapeutic goods.The Audit proposes to examine the following:

  • Has the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) established an effective compliance strategy for unapproved therapeutic goods?

  • Are the TGA’s activities for identifying non-compliance for unapproved therapeutic goods effective?

  • Are the TGA’s activities for preventing and addressing non-compliance for unapproved therapeutic goods effective?

Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) - Management of non-compliance with the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 for unapproved therapeutic goods


The Treasury: 2023-24 Pre-Budget submissions

Closed 27 January 2023

The 2023-24 Budget will build on the Government’s work to build a better future for Australia. Stakeholders are invited to share   their submissions for the 2023-24 Budget by Friday 27 January 2023 to Treasury.

Treasury 2023-24 Pre-Budget submissions

Department of Industry, Science and Resources: National Reconstruction Fund

Closed 3 February 2023

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) have released a consultation on the National Reconstruction Fund, closing 3 February 2023. The consultation paper outlines considerations for the implementation of the NRF, including the investment mandate. DISR are seeking stakeholder feedback on important questions related to these two areas. This is one of several consultations that will inform the development of the NRF.

Department of Industry, Science and Resources consultation: National Reconstruction Fund

Review of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 

Closed 22 November 2022

The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) commenced on 1 January 2019 and complements Australia’s comprehensive criminal justice response to modern slavery.

The Act was established through extensive consultations with the Australian business community and civil society. Under the Act, large businesses and other entities operating in Australia must report annually on how they are addressing modern slavery risks in their domestic and global operations and supply chains.

The Australian Government is undertaking a statutory review of the Act’s operation and compliance over the first three years since commencement. The review commenced on 31 March 2022 and is to be completed within one year, followed by a report to be tabled in Parliament. Professor John McMillan, AO, is leading the review, supported by the Attorney-General’s Department.

Australian Government Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport: Inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections

Closed 18 November 2022

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport is conducting an inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections. 

Respondents are invited to make a submission relevant to the inquiry’s terms of reference.

Draft Australian Standard for squalene and shark liver oil

Closed 4 November 2022

The objective of the draft standard* is to specify requirements for sustainable sourcing and testing and analysis of squalene and shark liver oil quality. It also provides requirements for packaging and labelling of derivative products containing these oils, especially when accompanied by claims of provenance.

*Please note: Australian Standards are voluntary. They do not include contractual, legal or statutory requirements. This standard does not replace the provisions of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, FSANZ, TGA or applicable Commonwealth, State and Territory laws and regulations.

Australian Standards draft standard for squalene and shark liver oil

Department of Health Food Regulation: Horizon scan to support the System Strategic Direction for 2023-2026

Closed 7 August 2022

The Australia New Zealand Food Regulatory System (the System) is currently undergoing its most significant reform and modernisation effort since its inception in the 2000s.In December 2021, Food Ministers agreed to key actions to progress the reform agenda. One of the agreed actions was to develop and deploy a new strategic planning process that would support a regular reset of the System’s strategic direction. It was agreed that this would be done via a new, more inclusive and transparent way. The development of this ‘Horizon Scan’ is the first step in this new planning process. The Horizon Scan takes a broad view of the wide food system challenges and opportunities.

Joint Food Regulation System - Horizon scan to support the System Strategic Direction for 2023-2026.

Productivity Commission review of Australia's productivity performance

Closing 23 March 2022

The Productivity Commission has been asked to review Australia's productivity performance and recommend an actionable roadmap to assist governments to make productivity-enhancing reforms.
This inquiry is the second in a series, undertaken at five-yearly intervals. To read the terms of reference and subscribe for project updates, visit the inquiry webpage.
The Commission is calling for submissions and comments, and invites individuals and organisations to lodge submissions to the inquiry.

Call for Submissions: Productivity Inquiry

Productivity Inquiry Terms of Reference


Prime Minister and Cabinet Consultation on legislation to lift regulator performance

Closed 14 January 2022

The Government is seeking feedback on legislation aimed to lift regulator performance, capability and culture as part of Australia’s Deregulation Agenda. The draft of the Bill includes 46 amendments across 17 Commonwealth Acts that will improve or streamline administrative processes, remove provisions that serve no current purpose, or remove legal uncertainty.

Public submissions on the draft Regulator Performance Omnibus Bill

Senate enquiry into the Australian Manufacturing Industry

Closed 10 September 2021

On 12 August 2021, the Senate referred the matter of the Australian manufacturing industry to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by 24 November 2021.  The Terms of Reference outline the areas of inquiry. CMA will be making a submission to the enquiry and encourages members to also provide a response with regard to the information provided on accepted submissions and the enquiry’s terms of reference.

CMA submission to the Senate enquiry

ACCC -Digital Platform Services Inquiry – Report on general online retail marketplaces

Closed 19 August 2021

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is examining general online retail marketplaces as part of the Australian Government’s direction to the ACCC for a five year inquiry into digital platform services (the Inquiry), which includes electronic marketplace services. To address concerns that have been raised to the ACCC about the conduct of some marketplaces and the risk of harm to both sellers and consumers, the ACCC is seeking stakeholder views on potential competition and consumer issues in the provision of general online retail marketplaces to consumers in Australia, including consumers, small business customers, sellers and the marketplaces themselves. 

ACCC Digital platform services inquiry 2020-2025

CMA submission to Digital platform services enquiry

The Treasury -Patent Box Consultation Closed 16 August 2021

The Australian Government announced that it will introduce a ‘patent box’ for eligible corporate income associated with new patents in the medical and biotechnology sectors. ‘Patent box’ is a generic term for regimes that apply a concessional tax treatment to profits derived from eligible intellectual property (IP). The patent box relates to eligible revenue derived from inventions that would fall within the scope of Australian standard patents (including where the invention is protected by foreign patents) and will apply to companies for income years commencing on or after 1 July 2022.  

The Treasury Patent Box consultation

Department of Health - review of the FSANZ Act 1991- Draft Regulatory Impact Statement

Closed 18 May 2021

As part of the review of the Food Regulation System, the Department of Health have opened a consultation to seek stakeholder feedback on the Review of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (the Act) - draft Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS), and to provide feedback to characterise the impact of the proposed options within the RIS.

The draft RIS identifies three policy problems at the core of the outdated legislative scheme in which the effectiveness of regulation is diminishing, and provides three options to address the policy problems.

This consultation represents the potential for significant change within the food regulatory system, as the Act has been in place for almost 30 years, with few amendments over that time. The data, commentary and information received through this consultation will be analysed to inform a final Regulatory Impact Statement, which will be used to inform any amendments to the FSANZ Act.

Department of Health Consultation: review of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991- draft Regulatory Impact Statement

NHMRC Dietary Guidelines Review: Scoping Survey

Closed 3pm (AEDT) 15 March 2021

The NHMRC are conducting a Review of the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines, a multiphase process with the final step resulting in publication of updated Dietary guidelines in 2024. The current Guidelines  make community recommendations on dietary sources and approaches to nutrients. As part of the Review process, NHMRC will consider how the current Guidelines are used and who is using them.

Feedback from stakeholders, including those involved in product research and development, manufacturing and marketing is sought via a scoping survey, available on the NHMRC website, which asks stakeholders how they use the guidelines and which topics should be considered in the review to identify relevant topics which may include topics not included in the current Guidelines or an update to existing topics. 

Following the conclusion of the scoping survey, the NHMRC will establish an Expert Committee to provide advice. 

For more information on the Review, including expected timelines for the review process, please visit the NHMRC website.

NHMRC Review of the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines 

2020 release

Evaluation of current Country of Origin Labelling regulations for food 

Closed 4 January 2021

The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) has commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to undertake an evaluation of current Country of Origin Labelling regulations for food.

The reforms introduced a standard labelling scheme to display key information to consumers about the location of production and the proportion of the food’s Australian content. 

As part of the evaluation, the Department is undertaking a survey of businesses and industry stakeholders to analyse industry experience with the regulations.


    Closed 22 Jan 2021

    This consultation forms part of the broader consultations on the reform of the food regulatory system. It addresses the first stage of the Review of the Intergovernmental Food Regulation Agreement project, but will also inform the collaborative food regulatory system reform work more broadly. The consultation paper broadly describes some of the challenges and opportunities facing the food regulatory system over the next 20 years, sets out the objectives and scope of the collaborative Australia and New Zealand food regulatory system and proposes a set of aspirations for the food regulatory system and some associated high level actions on which  stakeholder comment is sought. 

    Feedback can be provided via online consultation available on the Department of Health's Consultation hub.


    Closed 18 December 2020

    In March 2020, the Australian New Zealand Forum on Food Regulation (the Forum) endorsed an implementation plan for an ambitious reform agenda for the food regulatory system aimed at ensuring the system remains strong, robust and agile into the future. The reform agenda is being progressed through a number of interconnected projects. The outcomes of each of the consultation processes will be drawn together to inform decisions of the FRSC and the Forum in relation to the future of the food regulatory system. This consultation process seeks stakeholder advice on areas of inconsistency in food regulation and the impacts of this on businesses and regulatory outcomes. Impacts might include adverse regulatory outcomes and/or creating adverse outcomes for food businesses. Stakeholder advice is also sought on areas of duplication between the food regulatory system and related regulatory systems such as therapeutic goods.

    Feedback can be provided via online consultation available on the Department of Health's Consultation hub.


    Closed 9 November 2020

    The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources is seeking feedback on the key strengths, opportunities and solutions to grow manufacturing in the identified National Manufacturing Priority areas, including foods and medicinal products. The Government has acknowledged that Australian manufacturers face a challenging business environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and by working with industry, aims to create a competitive business environment, build scale, and boost supply chain resilience. Announcement of a $1.5 billion investment in a Modern Manufacturing Strategy has been made, with funding for eligible manufacturers for key manufacturing initiatives

    Feedback can be provided by a survey which is available on the Department's website.


    Closed 23 October 2020

    The Department of Health has now opened a public invitation to submit evidence for Tranche 2 natural therapies. The consultation and evidence requirements are now available through the Department's Consultation Hub.

    Natural Therapies Review-Tranche 2 Consultation


    Closed 28 September 2020

    The Department of Health's Strategy will provide the overarching, long-term approach to prevention in Australia by building systemic change to ensure the best outcomes for all Australians. The Strategy will identify areas of focus for the next 10 years and outlines evidence-based approaches to underpin future priorities. 

    The Strategy will aim to help Australians improve their health at all stages of life, through early intervention, better information, and targeting risk factors and the broader causes of health and wellbeing.

    The Strategy will recognise that health is not just the presence or absence of disease or injury – more holistically, it is a state of wellbeing. The Strategy will not be disease specific in its approach but rather, it will focus on system wide, evidence-based approaches to reducing poor health.

    Department of Health National Preventative Health Strategy consultation

    CMA submission to the National Preventative Health strategy Consultation


    Closed 24 September 2020

    The Australian Government is developing an Information Standard for complementary medicine manufacturers and sponsors seeking to make ‘Made in Australia’ claims. Products making a claim in line with the 2020 reforms will be required to disclose the proportion of Australian ingredients on labels when the product is claimed to be ‘Made in Australia'. The proposed Information Standard is expected to be similar to the Country of Origin Food Labelling Information Standard 2016. Currently it is voluntary for the complementary medicines sector to make Australian origin claims, however they are subject to the same CoOL laws.

    Department of Industry, Energy and Innovation CoOL proposed information standard 

    CMA Submission to the CoOL consultation


    Closed 17 July 2020

    The Department of Health has opened a public consultation of the 2nd staged review of the pregnancy care guidelines- Nutrition, Physical Activity and Weight. The guidelines are designed to support Australian maternity services to provide high-quality care to healthy pregnant women, and are intended for all health professionals who contribute to antenatal care.

    Department of Health Consultation 

    CMA Submission to the Pregnancy Care Guidelines consultation 

    Following consultation, the draft Guidelines will be submitted to the NHMRC for approval of the recommendations under section 14A of the NHMRC Act.


    Closed 21 February 2020

    The Department of Health has now opened a public invitation to submit evidence for Tranche 1 natural therapies through the Department's Consultation Hub. Guidance has been provided (including Evidence template ) to the public/stakeholders on what can be submitted. Tranche 1 therapies include naturopathy and western herbalism. For more information, please visit the Department of Health website.

    2019 release


    Closed 20 February 2020

    The NHMRC develops clinical practice guidelines and standards for developing clinical practice guidelines. They are conducting 2 public consultations regarding guideline methodology:

    • Engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in guideline development

    • How to make training recommendations in a guideline.

    NHMRC Guidelines for Guidelines Consultation



    Throughout 2018 and 2019, Complementary Medicines Australia ran a sustained advocacy campaign to ensure that medicines that were made in Australia under TGA Good Manufacturing Practices would be protected in making a Made in Australia country of origin claim. These efforts have been successful, with further information available here: 

    CMA Submission - Clarifying eligibility for origin claims in the Complementary Medicines Sector (30 October 2019)

    CMA Submission - Government Taskforce Complementary Healthcare Sector Country of Origin Labelling (January 2019)

    TGA - Therapeutic Goods Administration

    Compounded medicines and good manufacturing practice (GMP)


    2024 RELEASE

    Reforming Australia's Therapeutic Goods Testing Regulations

    Closing 5 August

    This consultation outlines a number of legislative reforms the TGA are proposing to strengthen and modernise the legislative framework through improving the clarity and functionality of arrangements in Part 5 of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990, which sets out procedures for examination, testing and analysis of goods to be conducted by the TGA within the regulatory framework.  

    Reforming Australia's Therapeutic Goods Testing Regulations

    Legislating regulatory categories for some boundary and combination products

    Closing 6 August

    This consultation is seeking feedback on:

    - Whether legislating some products where possible to formally declare their regulatory category (e.g., medical device, not a medical device or OTG), will provide additional clarity for stakeholders; and

    -whether a transitional period of five years is sufficient for sponsors of affected ARTG entries. 

    Legislating regulatory categories for some boundary and combination products

    TGA Proposed Label Warnings for Tablets, Capsules and other solid oral dosage forms 

    Closing 11 July 2024

    This consultation includes significant proposals for new labelling requirements for Listed Medicines, that are:

    - a large solid oral dosage form; AND

    - intended to be swallowed whole; AND

    - over a certain size threshold.

    Under the changes, new labelling would be required after a 2 year transition period, including:

    - a statement to warn consumers

    - an image of the dosage unit that is true to size with the words 'actual size'

    - the statement 'swallow with water' in the directions for use. 

    Updates to Australian medicine labelling rules to support medicine safety 

    TGA Scheduling Consultation: Interim Decisions PEA 

    Closed 17 April 2024

    The TGA has published a notice of interim decisions for palmitoylethenolamide (PEA) on their website. The public consultation requests stakeholder feedback on the Delegate’s decision to amend the current Poisons Standard in relation to PEA by creating a new Schedule 6 entry that excludes derivatives and preparations for therapeutic use. The interim decision proposing to exclude all preparations for therapeutic use has adopted CMA’s recommendation which previously only included listed medicines.

    If the interim decision is confirmed, listed and registered medicines on the ARTG and other therapeutic preparations (such as practitioner compounded medicines) containing PEA will be excluded from the new Schedule 6 entry and will be unaffected. As for all schedule 6 substances, there may be implications for storage, supply and transport of the material under States and Territories

    Public consultation: interim decision on PEA

    TGA Scheduling Consultation: Camellia sinensis, amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid

    Closed 12 April 2024

    The TGA has released  public consultation on proposals to amend the Poisons Standard in relation to Camellia sinensis extracts and amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid (including a new Schedule 10 entry for Wild Cherry Bark).

    These proposals were referred to expert advisory committees and consulted on with the public. The decision-maker made interim decisions to not amend the Poisons Standard and public consultations on the interim decisions were undertaken. This consultation is seeking further advice from all interested parties on suggested changes to the Poisons Standard in relation to green tea extract and amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid. The suggested changes also include an accompanying new Schedule 10 entry for Wild Cherry Bark.

    The Consultation proposals are available via the online survey link on the TGA Consultation Hub page.

    Public consultation on Camellia sinensis extracts, amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid in the Poisons Standard

    TGA Consultation: Fees and Charges Proposal 2024-25

    Closed 23 February 2024

    The TGA is conducting a public consultation to provide industry and other interested stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the TGA's proposed fees and charges for the 2024-25 financial year. Specifically, the TGA are seeking feedback on the potential impact/s of the proposed fees and charges prior to seeking approval from the Government for any changes.

    TGA Consultation: fees and charges 2024-25 

    TGA Consultation: adoption of international scientific guidelines

    Closing 4 March 2024

    The TGA is seeking feedback on whether certain international scientific guidelines should be adopted in Australia. The consultation considers the adoption of 13 international scientific guidelines, some of which are applicable to complementary medicines.

    Adoption of International Scientific Guidelines in Australia R01-2023

    2023 RELEASE

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - Wild cherry bark: amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid

    Closed 2 November 2023

    The TGA has published the Notice of interim decisions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard in relation to naturally occurring amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in wild cherry bark.

    The Delegate of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care has made an interim decision to not amend the current Poisons Standard in relation to amygdalin and HCN.

    Interested persons are invited to make submissions to the Secretary in relation to the interim decision on or before the closing date via the TGA Consultation Hub.

    Public consultation on interim decisions to amend the Poisons Standard - ACMS, ACCS & Joint ACMS-ACCS JUNE, 2023

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)

    Closed 29 September

    An applicant has proposed a new Schedule 6 entry for palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) with an exemption for use in listed human medicines. The proposal would require products containing PEA that are not listed as human medicines, such as veterinary products, to have distinctive packaging with strong warnings and safety directions on the label. 

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard – PEA

    Changes to the Permissible Ingredients Determination

    Closed 14 September 

    The TGA have published the annual public consultation for proposed ingredient changes to the Therapeutic Goods (Permissible Ingredients) Determination (‘the Determination’) for issues considered lower to negligible risk. Ingredients under review include:

    - Curcuma species and curcumin and the risk of liver injury

    - Green Tea (Extract) and the risk of liver injury

    - Benzophenone carcinogenicity concerns

    - Clarification of the requirements for soy phosphatidylserine-enriched ingredients

    - Clarification of the requirements for Terminalia ferdinandiana (Kakadu Plum)

    TGA consultation: low-negligible risk ingredients

    TGA Final Decision document; Outcomes of the Permissible Ingredients consultation 

    Guidelines for the Quality of Listed Probiotic Medicines

    Closed 10 September

    The TGA has announced a public consultation on the Proposed New Guidelines for the Quality of Listed Probiotic Medicines. It applies to quality expectations for finished products that are listed or assessed listed medicines [AUST L or AUST L(A)].  The stated purpose of the Guidelines is to:

    - help sponsors and manufacturers meet the regulatory requirements to ensure the quality of their probiotic medicine is acceptable under the Therapeutic goods Act 1989; and

    - assist with sponsor and manufacturer compliance by naming and explaining the most relevant applicable legislation related to ensuring the quality of probiotic medicines.

    TGA Consultation: Proposed New Guidelines for the Quality of Listed Probiotic Medicines 

    Scheduling consultation: Amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid

    Closed 17 May 2023

    The TGA is seeking public comment on an application to amend the poisons Standard in relation to amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid. The application proposes to exclude, from the Schedule 10 entry for amygdalin and the Schedule 4 entry for hydrocyanic acid, preparations of Wild Cherry Bark containing these substances. The exclusion is subject to additional labelling requirements and the maximum recommended daily dose being less than 5 mg of amygdalin or 0.3 mg of hydrocyanic acid.

    Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACMS & Joint ACMS-ACCS, JUNE 2023

    TGA Consultation: fees and charges 2023-24

    Closed 20 March 2023

    The TGA is conducting a public consultation to provide industry and other interested stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the TGA's proposed fees and charges for the 2023-24 financial year. 

    TGA Consultation: fees and charges 2023-24

    Notice of Interim Decisions: Green Tea; Melatonin

    Closed 3 March 2023

    The TGA has published a Notice of Interim Decisions in relation to green tea extract and melatonin. The consultation on these interim decisions is open now, closing Friday 3 March 2023. The Delegate of the Secretary has made the following interim decisions:

    - Not to amend the Poisons Standard in relation to green tea extractThis means that if the interim decision is confirmed by the Delegate through this consultation in the final decision (due in several months time), there will be no change, and GTE will remain unscheduled; and

    - To amend the Poisons Standard in relation to melatonin; to amend the Schedule 3 entry for melatonin to allow divided preparations containing 5 mg or less of melatonin, in packs of no more that 10 dosage units, for adults aged 18 and over to be prescribed by a pharmacist for the treatment of jetlag. This decision is to be implemented on 1 June 2023

    Notice of Interim Decisions 

    Proposed improvements to the recalls process

    Closed 13 March 2023

    The TGA is seeking feedback on improvements to the recalls process following on previous feedback and information from both internal and external stakeholders. Specifically, feedback is sought on proposed changes grouped these into five themes:

    - Increasing awareness and understanding about recalls

    - Improving communication

    - Better recall descriptions

    - Improving sponsor letters and other recall documents

    - Reporting progress with a recall

    Proposed improvements to the recalls process 

    2022 RELEASE

    TGO 92 updates


    A targeted consultation limited to following occurred in July 2022:

    • TGO 92 - Section 6 ‘Interpretation’– addition of a definition for ‘distinguishing mark’

    • TGO 92 - Subsection 9(2)– update and clarification of the requirements for the name of the medicine on the main label

    • Guidance - 1.5.7 ‘The name of the medicine’ • Guidance - 1.7.1 ‘Table 1’ in the Guideline

    This was intended to ensure that those with existing s14/14A "consents to supply" for non-compliance with TGO 92 s9(2) will - in most, if not all circumstances - be considered compliant and therefore no longer need to obtain these after the update is implemented. This is intended to occur prior to the current expiration date of the notices on 31 August 2021.

    A more comprehensive public consultation will be released on other aspects of TGO 92 in the next 1-2 years to be completed prior to the sunsetting of both orders on 1 October 2026.

    TGA Consultation mecobalamin - Dual name labelling transition to sole ingredient names

    Closed 19 December 2022

    The TGA is seeking views on whether the dual naming of certain ingredients, including mecobalamin (comethylcobalamin) should end on 30 April 2023. Feedback to the consultation will help to inform the TGA’s approach to how dual labelled medicine ingredient names will need to appear on labels and PI/CMI documents of medicines released for supply from 1 May 2023.


    TGA Consultation: International harmonisation of ingredient names (IHIN) – Dual labelling transition to sole medicine ingredient names 

    TGA Consultation outcome: IHIN Dual name labelling 

    CMA submission to the Consultation: IHIN Dual name labelling

    TGA consultation on Pharmacovigilance: Proposed changes to Safety Reporting requirements

    Closed 5 December 2022

    The TGA are seeking feedback, closing 5 December 2022, on proposed changes to Safety Reporting requirements as described in the Pharmacovigilance responsibilities of medicine sponsors: Australian recommendations and requirements guidance document (the PV Guidelines). The intention of the proposed changes is stated to increase the quality of notifications, enabling the TGA to act on all safety issues in a timeframe proportionate to the risk to public health. The TGA also state that the aim is not to lessen the current requirements for reporting of safety issues, but to better define which issues are to be notified urgently by sponsors, supporting timely responses to new safety information by the TGA.

    TGA consultation on Pharmacovigilance: Proposed changes to Safety Reporting requirements

    Boundary and combination products - medicines, medical devices, and biologicals

    Closed 20 November 2022

    The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is seeking feedback on the draft guidance ‘Boundary and combination products - medicines, medical devices, and biologicals’The purpose of the draft guidance, which is intended to replace the existing guidance dated November 2005, is to assist sponsors and manufacturers in determining the status of therapeutic goods that may not fit clearly within existing definitions for medicines, biologicals, or medical devices. 

    TGA Consultation: Boundary and combination products - medicines, medical devices, and biologicals

    User experience survey - Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN) – medicines beta version

    Closed 26 October 2022

    This online survey is seeking feedback on stakeholder experience of the beta version of the database of adverse events notifications (DAEN), providing the opportunity for stakeholders to identify any areas of the beta version that are problematic or not fit for purpose prior to implementation.

    User experience survey - Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN) – medicines beta version

    Regulatory options to potentially allow references to the TGA in therapeutic goods advertising

    Closed 7 November 2022

    This public Consultation considers potential options on whether allowing references to the TGA in therapeutic goods advertising (and on product labels) may support consumers to make better informed health decisions by more clearly identifying products that have met the regulatory requirements and are being lawfully advertised and sold.

    The TGA are seeking feedback on:

    - whether references to the TGA should be allowed in therapeutic goods advertising the class or classes of therapeutic goods, if any, that should be allowed to refer to the TGA;

    - options for what a reference to the TGA could look like;

    - options for how an authorised reference to TGA may be used in advertising; and

    - whether references to TGA should be optional or mandatory for advertisers.

    Public Consultation: Regulatory options to potentially allow references to the TGA in therapeutic goods advertising

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - Green Tea extract; Melatonin

    Closed 29 September 2022

    Green Tea extract- A private applicant has proposed that a new Schedule 2 entry for green tea extract be included in the Poisons Standard in preparations for internal use, unless they are labelled with specified warning statements which warn consumers of the potential for liver harm. This amendment would remove green tea products not bearing the specified warning labels from general sale. Green tea extract is not specifically scheduled in the current Poisons Standard.

    Melatonin -A private applicant has proposed the rescheduling of immediate release melatonin from Schedule 4 to Schedule 3 for the treatment of jetlag. The rescheduling would apply to divided preparations containing 5 mg or less of melatonin, in packs of no more than 10 dosage units, for adults aged 18 and over. This will allow access to melatonin for this indication, without a prescription, after consulting with a pharmacist.

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard – ACCS, ACMS and joint ACCS/ACMS meetings, November 2022

    Proposed changes to the Permissible Ingredients Determination - Low-negligible risk 2022-2023

    Closed 15 September 2022

    The TGA have have published the annual low-negligible risk public consultation paper for changes to the Permissible Ingredients Determination, 

    The proposed changes relate to:

    - Warning statement requiring healthcare professional supervision for the ingredients Chelidonium majus and Larrea tridentata; and

    - Liver injury associated with Valeriana officinalis.

    The consultation proposes applying a new warning statement for Valeriana officinalis and an updated warning statement for Chelidonium majus and Larrea tridentata which are essentially the same except for the required name of the herb.

    TGA consultation: Proposed changes to the Permissible Ingredients Determination - Low-negligible risk 2022-2023

    CMA response to the Permissible Ingredients Determination - Low-negligible risk 2022-2023

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard: Lead - including in complementary medicines

    Closed 16 September 2022

    The TGA have published an interim decision to make a variety of changes to the scheduling of lead. 

    The delegate has decided to delete the existing Schedule 4 entry for lead for therapeutic use and introduce a new Schedule 10 entry, which will include an exemption for therapeutic preparations containing 10 mg/kg or less of lead. This exemption limit was already previously applied to the existing Schedule 4 entry under Part 1, paragraph (2)(j) of the Poisons Standard, which applies a general limit for all substances listed in Schedules 1-6. The amendment effectively changes the classification of any therapeutic preparations containing greater than 10 mg/kg of lead from prescription-only medicines to products prohibited for sale, supply and use. A value of 10 mg/kg is equivalent to 0.001% w/w or 10 ppm.

    TGA Notice of final decision

    Public consultation on the proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard-Joint ACMS-ACCS #30 - March 2022

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard Dichloromethane (methylene chloride)

    Closed 27 May 2022

    Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) is currently included in Schedule 5 of the Poisons Standard and is currently reflected by TGO 101 and the Permissible Ingredients Determination as a residual solvent, per the ICH IMPURITIES: GUIDELINE FOR RESIDUAL SOLVENTS Q3C(R8). The Scheduling proposal is to include Dichloromethane (also known as methylene chloride, methylene dichloride; methylene bichloride) in Schedule 10 – this means it would not be able to be used under any circumstances.

    Public Consultation: Interim Decision - Dichloromethane 

    Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACMS/ACCS/Joint ACMS-ACCS, June 2022

    CMA submission: Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard Dichloromethane 

    TGA Consultation: Proposed update to the evidence guidelines for listed medicines

    Closed 1 April 2022

    The Evidence guidelines for listed medicines consultation is now open. The TGA is seeking feedback on the updated 'Listed medicines evidence guidelines - How to demonstrate efficacy of listed medicines', which is intended to replace the existing Guidelines. The TGA will be providing two webinars during the consultation period to outline the proposed changes to the Guidelines and give an opportunity for interested parties to give early feedback on the update. Information on the webinars will be published on the TGA website. 

    Proposed update to evidence guidelines for listed medicines

    TGA Consultation: Fees and Charges Proposal 2022-23

    Closed 7 March 2022

    The TGA is conducting a public consultation on the TGA’s proposed increase to fees and charges for the 2022-23 financial year by an indexation factor of 2.60%, including a proposal to apply new fees for variations on Clinical Trial Approval (CTA) schemes Members are encouraged to present their comments through CMA in order to provide a consolidated industry response to the TGA. The Consultation paper can be viewed here. Please provide any feedback to the consultation to CMA by Mon 28 Feb 2022 via

    Public consultation Fees and charges proposal 2022-23

    Survey on publication listed medicine compliance review results

    Closed 31 March 2022

    Since December 2019, as part of the Government's reforms to enhance the post-market monitoring system of listed medicines, the TGA publishes results of listed medicine compliance reviews in a database on their website. The database provides consumers quality and safety information relating to listed medicines that have been reviewed by the TGA. The TGA is seeking feedback on how effectively information relating to the results of listed medicine compliance reviews is being conveyed to consumers via an online survey.

    Survey on publication of listed medicine compliance review results

    Notification form: Reclassification of medical devices that are substances for introduction into the body

    Closed 25 May 2022

    If you are a sponsor/manufacturer/ distributor of a medical device composed of substances for introduction into the human body and your device was included in the ARTG prior to 25 November 2021, or you have submitted an application for inclusion in the ARTG prior to 25 November 2021 then you need to:

    - Notify the TGA before 25 May 2022 or within 2 months of the start date of your ARTG entry using this form, that you have an inclusion that will need to be reclassified; and

    - Submit an application for your device to be included in the ARTG under the correct classification before 1 November 2024.

    Adoption of certain international scientific guidelines in Australia

    Closed 20 February 2022

    The TGA is conducting a public consultation seeking feedback on whether certain international scientific guidelines should be adopted. International scientific guidelines are not limited to prescription medicines, but may also apply to over-the-counter (OTC), complementary and some listed medicines. While guidelines that are adopted in Australia are generally not mandated by legislation, they provide guidance to sponsors to assist them to meet the legislative requirements and any deviation from a Guideline relevant to an application to register or vary the registration of a medicine must be justified. The TGA are seeking feedback on whether or not certain international scientific guidelines, as detailed in the online survey, should be adopted.

    Adoption of certain international scientific guidelines in Australia

    Improving access to medicine adverse event data – sponsor survey

    Closed 18 Feb 2022

    The TGA is seeking feedback from sponsors, via an online survey, on a proposal to improve sponsor access to extract de-identified medicine adverse event data to support their pharmacovigilance (PV) obligations. Your feedback to the survey will help inform TGA how to best tailor what data sponsors would like to view or extract.  This survey is part of the TGA’s Medicines Adverse Event Data Exchange project, seeking to improve the management of medicines safety signals by:

    - improving how TGA share medicine adverse event data held in TGA systems with sponsors, jurisdictions and the public; and

    - making it easier for health professionals to report adverse events to the TGA.

    Improving access to medicine adverse event data – sponsor survey

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard- Cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols 

    Closed 31 January 2022

    A private applicant has proposed the introduction of Schedule 7 entries for cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols for use in analytical and scientific research. The amended entries would allow access to cannabis and its derivatives for use in research without Schedule 9 requirements, which can include specific approval from State and Territory health departments.

    Public Consultation on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols 

    2021 Release

    Public consultation on interim decisions to amend the Poisons Standard -amygdalin & hydrocyanic acid

    Closed 1 November 2021

    The TGA have published a notice of interim decision to amend (or not amend) the Poisons Standard in relation to matters referred to the Advisory Committee on Medicines (ACMS #34 - June 2021), on their website, which includes the Delegate’s Interim Decision on amygdalin & hydrocyanic acid.

    The Consultation is now open on this interim decision until 1 Nov 2021 so that the Delegate may make a final decision leading to a planned implementation date of 1 February 2022. 

    The Delegate of the Secretary has, in relation to the proposed amendment, made an interim decision not to amend the scheduling for amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid in the current Poisons Standard. The ACMS advised that the current scheduling for amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid remains appropriate, with recommendation to add a new index entry for ‘apricot kernels’ with cross references in the index entries for both amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid.

    Public consultation on interim decisions to amend the Poisons Standard -amygdalin & hydrocyanic acid

    CMA response to the interim decision 

    TGA Notice of final decisions 

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - Cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols for veterinary use

    Closed 7 October 2021

    The TGA are consulting on Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard – ACCS, ACMS and joint ACCS/ACMS meetings, November 2021, including a proposal to amend the existing Schedule 8 entries for cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols to include veterinary use of these substances (except in animals for human consumption.

    Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACMS, ACCS and Joint ACMS-ACCS, November 2021

    Proposed Changes to RASML – Melatonin

    Closed 17 September 2021

    The TGA is seeking comment on the addition of proposed new advisory statements for labels of over the counter (OTC) and registered complementary medicines containing melatonin for oral use, for inclusion in the Required Advisory Statements for Medicine labels (RASML).

    The proposed changes will apply only in RASML to registered medicines; there are currently no RASML warning statements for melatonin. Melatonin is in included in Schedule 3 of the Poisons Standard and therefore is not eligible for inclusion in listed medicines and not currently included in the Permissible Ingredients Determination (certain homeopathic preparations may be exempt from listing requirements).

    Proposed changes to Required Advisory Statements for Medicine Labels (RASML): Melatonin

    Proposed updates to the Permissible Ingredients Determination

    Closed 29 September 2021

    The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is seeking feedback from interested parties on the proposed low-negligible risk changes to the Permissible Ingredients Determination. The proposed changes address the following issues:

    • Allergen statement for mollusc-derived ingredients.

    • Peripheral neuropathy associated with lower dose vitamin B6.

    • Artemisinin and pregnancy risk.

    Proposed changes to the Permissible Ingredients Determination: Low-negligible risk changes 2021-22

    CMA response to the Proposed updates to the Permissible Ingredients Determination 

    Targeted TGA Consultation: Remaking Restricted Medicine Specification – Relevant to Sponsors with Schedule 3 Registered Medicines

    Closed 16 August 2021

    The Restricted Medicine Specification 2011 (the Specification) is due to sunset on 1 October 2021 and the TGA is proposing to remake the Specification without substantial amendment. This consultation is relevant to sponsors with, or who are intending to include, registered complementary medicines that are in Schedule 3 or Schedule 4 of the Poisons Standard, and will mean that these products will continue to be required to submit a Product Information as part of a registration application (no change). Please read CMA’s 19 July Technical Alert for more information.

    TGA Interim Decision Hemp Seed Oil

    Closed 17 August 2021

    This interim decision would allow hemp seed oil complying with certain conditions on lower limits for cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabidiols to no longer be scheduled and be sold for internal use in therapeutic goods. Please note that if the down-scheduling proceeds as proposed, this does not automatically permit use in listed medicines until a successful application is made for the Permissible Ingredients Determination. Please also note that this interim decision includes a limit for cannabidiol in hemp seed oil, however it does not amend the decision for cannabidiol in Schedule 3.

    TGA Public Consultation on Interim Decisions to amend the poisons Standard - ACMS/ACCS Meetings March 2021

    CMA submission to the Interim decision on hemp Seed oil

    Proposed changes to the T.G. Advertising Code

    Closed 18 June 2021

    The TGA is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (No.2) 2018 (the Code). The consultation provides that the changes/improvements proposed by the TGA are intended to minimise unnecessary compliance costs while continuing to ensure that advertising does not contribute to any unsafe or improper use of advertised products.

    Different mechanisms for improving the Code have been proposed; for some provisions, minor wording changes have been proposed as well as the addition of new definitions and notes to improve clarity; for others, feedback is sought on options for combining provisions and other more significant changes. 

    TGA Consultation: Proposed changes to the Therapeutic goods Advertising Cod

    CMA submission to proposed changes to the T. G. Advertising Code  

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard: Eugenol

    Closed 4 June 2021

    The Delegate of the Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Health (the Delegate) proposes to amend the current Schedule 6 entry for eugenol to reduce concentration cut-offs for cosmetic preparations intended for skin contact, depending on whether the product will be rinsed off or not. 

    TGA Consultation: Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard – ACCS #31, June 2021 Item 1.3 (Eugenol)  

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard: Amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid

    Closed 27 May 2021

    The TGA have published a new consultation on a proposed amendment to the Poisons Standard for amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid.

    The new Scheduling proposal is to exclude these substances from Schedule 10 and Schedule 4, respectively, at specified lower levels.

    This latest consultation follows the recent publication of a Delegate’s final decision on 22 April 2021 to not amend the Poisons Standard in relation to a previous proposal to decrease the current scheduling. 

    The proposed unscheduled amount (the amygdalin equivalent of 0.3mg hydrocyanic acid, provided it is also less than 5mg of amygdalin) would become eligible for listing if the Delegate approves the proposal and be the upper permissible limit for a listed medicine per maximum recommended daily dose.

    Public consultation on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACMS, June 2021 (Amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid) 

    CMA submission to the proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard-amygdalin 

    Proposed Changes to Required Advisory Statements for (Registered Complementary) Medicine labels – Menthol and Methyl salicylate

    Closed 18 May 2021

    Two sperate consultations are now open on proposed changes to required advisory statements for Registered Complementary Medicines containing menthol and methyl salicylate.

    The TGA is seeking comment on the addition of proposed new advisory statements for labels of over the counter (OTC) and registered complementary medicines containing either menthol or methyl salicylate for dermal use, for inclusion in the Required Advisory Statements for Medicine labels (RASML).

    The proposed changes apply only to registered medicines. Requirements for menthol and methyl salicylate for listed medicines have already been implemented and are included in the Permissible Ingredients Determination.

    Both consultations can be found at the Department of Health Consultation Hub

    CMA submissions to RASML Menthol and Methyl salicylate 

    TGA Fees and Charges Fees Proposal 2021-22

    Closed 17 March 2021

    The TGA is conducting a public consultation to provide industry and other interested stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on options for the TGA’s proposed fees and charges for the 2021- 22 financial year. Specifically, feedback is sought on the potential impact/s of the proposed options, prior to seeking approval from the Government for any changes. The consultation provides that the preferred option is to increase all fees and charges by an indexation factor of 1.05%, this amount is lower than that which has been applied in recent years.

    TGA Consultation: Fees and charges proposal 2021-22 

    TGA Fees and Charges Proposal 2021-22 consultation paper 

    CMA Response to TGA Fees and charges Proposal 2021-22

    Efficacy monographs for listed medicines

    Closed 26 February 2021

    The TGA are conducting a targeted consultation on two draft efficacy monographs for vitamins B6 and B12.   The purpose of this consultation is to provide relevant stakeholders and interested parties with an opportunity to provide feedback on two draft efficacy monographs and to help refine their content. Specifically, the TGA is seeking feedback on whether:

    • the content of the monographs is suitable for their intended purpose; and

    • the information included in the evidence statements is adequate to support the efficacy of the proposed indications.

    TGA efficacy monographs consultation

    CMA response to the efficacy monographs consultation 

    TGA consultation on discontinuing Active / Herbal Proprietary Ingredients and some Excipient PIs

    Closed 24 February 2021

    The TGA have released the public consultation on discontinuing new applications for Proprietary Ingredients (ingredient mixes) in the Proprietary Ingredients Table, specifically for Active Ingredient mixes (such as ingredients containing vitamins or minerals), Active Herbal mixes, as well as the non-specific excipient category (other excipient mix categories are unaffected). PIs are blends of ingredients that the supplier enters into the TGA database and obtains a number which sponsors can then use to add those ingredient mixes to their ARTG listing (or registration).

    The TGA have outlined two proposals within the consultation:

    1. Discontinue processing of active ingredient mixtures (Proprietary Ingredients) into the Proprietary Ingredients Table

    2. Discontinue processing applications for non-specific Excipient Mixes into the Proprietary Ingredients Table  

    TGA Proprietary Ingredients Consultation 

    CMA Submission to PI consultation

    Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard -  hemp seed oil

    Closed 27 January 2021

    A private applicant has proposed amendments to the existing Schedule 9 entries for cannabis and tetrahydrocannabinols to exclude hemp seed oil for oral consumption from Scheduling when compliant with the food standards code.  

    TGA proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard Consultation

    CMA response to the proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - Hemp seed oil 

    2020 release

    Compounded medicines and good manufacturing practice (GMP)

    Closed 18 December 2020

    The TGA have announced a consultation on Compounded medicines and good manufacturing practice (GMP)following the adoption in July 2020 of the PIC/S Guide to GMP PE009-14 as the Manufacturing Principles for medicinal products. The guidance document (v3) is being updated to align with contemporary expectations and includes additional guidance in relation to:

    - the product expiry of compounded        medicinal products 

    - compounding of radiopharmaceutical    products

     - information for manufacturers of           dose administration aids (DAAs).

    TGA consultation: Compounded medicines & good manufacturing practice (GMP) v3 

    Public Consultation on Interim Decision on Scheduling of Cannabidiol 

    Closed 13 October 2020

    The TGA have published a notice of interim decisions made under Regulation 42ZCZN of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 in relation to proposed amendments to the current Poisons Standard which were referred to the Joint ACMS-ACCS in June 2020. 

    The TGA’s interim decision on CBD was to not permit CBD for general sale but to place low dose (60mg) CBD into “Pharmacist Only” Schedule 3, on the condition that CBD is included in a medicine that is in the ARTG (Appendix M requirement). This decisions means CBD must have high-level evidence to become an ARTG “Registered” medicine, and is likely to further delay consumer access and affordability as companies seek to demonstrate registration level clinical evidence for an indication at a very low dose (60mg). 

    TGA Consultation

    CMA Submission to the Public Consultation on Interim Decision on Scheduling of Cannabidiol 

    Notice of final decision to amend (or not amend) the current Poisons Standard - cannabidiol- 15 December 2020

    Consultation on Permissible ingredients annual changes 2020-21

    Closed 6 October 2020

    The TGA have announced a consultation regarding proposed ingredient changes to the Therapeutic Goods (Permissible Ingredients) Determination (‘the Determination'). This consultation is conducted on an annual basis to consider changes the requirements of the Determination for issues which are considered to be “low to negligible risk”. Affected ingredients in the 2020 consultation are:

    • Easily-dissociable magnesium salts (laxative effect)

    • Andrographis paniculata(taste disturbance)

    TGA Consultation

    CMA Submission to the Permissible Ingredients annual changes 202-21 

    Outcomes: Low-negligible risk changes to Permissible Ingredients - 2020-2021


    Closed 20 August 2020

    The Therapeutic Goods administration is seeking feedback on proposed requirements for sterilisation and the use of data matrix codes on the labels of certain medicines in the Australian supply chain. The Standard will not mandate the serialisation of medicines nor the use of data matrix codes on medicines. However, it is proposed that compliance with the TGO 106 is expected for medicines when a data matrix containing a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is used on the primary pack, or when a medicine is serialised, either at the primary pack or unit dose level.

    TGA Consultation

    CMA Submission to the new Therapeutic Goods Order 106- Data Matrix Codes and Serialisation of Medicines 

    Consultation Outcome - updated 30 Mar 2021 

    Notice of interim decisions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACMS/ACCS/Joint ACMS-ACCS meetings, March 2020

    Closed 9 July 2020

    The TGA consulting upon the interim decisions made by a delegate of the Secretary under regulation 42ZCZN in relation to proposed amendments to the current Poisons Standard which were referred to an expert advisory committee under subdivision 3D.2 of the Regulations in March 2020. The consultation included proposed amendments to the scheduling of Arbutin and Melatonin.

    TGA Consultation 

    CMA submission to interim decisions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard-Arbutin and Melatonin.

    TGA Outcome on Arbutin 24 August 2020

    TGA Outcome on Melatonin 28 September 2020   


    Closed 22 May 2020

    There are two "down scheduling" consultations currently open, seeking public submissions on what form this consumer access may take. The Australian Government is proposing low-dose access via Pharmacists only and a private applicant is proposing wider consumer access. Submissions must be received by no later than 22 May 2020.

    TGA Consultation

    CMA Submission to Proposed Amendments to the poisons Standard-Cannabidiol

    TGA Interim decisions on proposed amendments- Cannabidiol9 September 2020

    CMA Submission to the Delegate's interim decision - Cannabidiol13 October 2020

    Notice of final decision to amend (or not amend) the current Poisons Standard - cannabidiol- 15 December 2020



    Closed 18 May 2020

    Due to high skin sensitisation incidence and prevalence, changes to the scheduling for these excipient ingredients has been proposed.

    TGA Consultation

    Decisions on the proposed amendments will be published as interim decisions on the TGA website 9 Sep 2020


    Closed 13 May 2020

    The TGA is seeking feedback from stakeholders on proposed measures to clarify the boundary for software-based products that are captured under the regulatory framework for medical devices in Australia.

    TGA Consultation

    Outcome 15 June 2020- TGA responseScope of regulated software based medical devices 


    The independent review of the advertising reforms (the Review) has now commenced, and is being led by Ms Rosemary Sinclair AM. In February 2018, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health, committed to a review of the impact of the new advertising measures within two years from the commencement of the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2017 Measures No.1) Act 2018. TGA website


    Closed 5 March 2020

    Item 1.3. Interim decision in relation to calcifediol

    Item 3.1. Interim decision in relation to caffeine

    The related  CMA Tech Alert provides further background information.

    TGA Consultation

    CMA submissions to the Therapeutic Goods Administration consultations

    Outcome 7 May 2020 - Notice of final decision to amend the poisons  standard

    -New Schedule 4 and Schedule 6 entries have been created for caffeine

    -A new Schedule 4 entry for calcifediol has been created (for human internal use with a concentration cut-off of 10 micrograms or less calcifediol per recommended daily dose)

    FEES & CHARGES 2020-21

    Closed 28 February 2020

    The TGA have released a document for consultation, seeking comments from interested parties on the proposed changes in fees and charges for 2020-2021. The TGA encourages CMA members to provide feedback through CMA in order to receive consolidated industry feedback.

    TGA Consultation

    CMA Submission on Proposed Fees & Charges 2020-21

    Outcome 23 June 2020 - The Government approved the indexation based increase of 1.95% to all fees and charges, subject to rounding. 

    TGA Schedule of fees and charges 2020-21


    Closed 10 February 2020

    CMA' s response to the consultation supports the proposed amendment, along with a request for the TGA to acknowledge the interim decision made by joint committees in September 2019, which if ratified would have made arbutin containing herbs available earlier in 2020.

    TGA Consultation 

    CMA submission on Scheduling - Arbutin; Melatonin.

    Outcome 10 June 2020 - Consultation on Notice of interim decisions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard.


    (Expected 1st Quarter 2020) DELAYED

    2019 release

    EU GUIDELINES - Annotation of the European Union Guidelines in respect of traditional medicines


    An Annotation to two EMA guidelines is proposed stating that they cannot be used in CM applications as Australia has a guidance document referring to 75 years of use.

    CMA submission on Length of Traditional Use 


    Closed 3 February 2020

    The TGA is seeking feedback regarding a guidance document related to the export of medicines from Australia. The document provides guidance on all aspects of the process, including: regulation, controlled substances, export only medicines, the application process and export certificates. This consultation is relevant to:

      - Australian sponsors planning to export medicines.

      - Authorised agents on behalf of a sponsor.

      - People planning to export for non-commercial use.

      TGA Consultation 

      CMA submission - Export Guidelines 


        Closed 11 October 2019

        The TGA released a document for consultation on 30 August 2019, seeking comments from interested parties on the proposed ingredient changes, categorised as being of low-negligible risk.

        CMA’s submission addresses proposed changes to the 26BB Permissible Ingredients Determination; specifically, for Boron, Withania somnifera and Vitex agnus-castus.

        TGA Consultation 

        CMA submission - Permissible Ingredients - Low-negligible risk consultation.

        Outcome 20 Feb 2020 -TGA Outcomes: Changes to permissible ingredients - Low-negligible risk


        Closed 10 October 2019

        In response to feedback sought by the TGA on a proposal to publish the names of excipient ingredients used in therapeutic goods in the public view of the Australian Register for Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), CMA’s submission supported industry’s position, and addressed a range of issues including impacts on IP, regulation and proprietary ingredients.

        TGA Consultation  

        CMA Submission - Increased online access to ingredient information

        Outcome 23 Jan 2020 - TGA response to increase online access to ingredient information 

        FSANZ - Food Standards Australia & New Zealand

        2024 release

        P1056 Caffeine Review - 2nd call for submissions


        P1010 Review of Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods - 1st call for submissions


        FSANZ Act Review

        Closed 10 April

        The FSANZ Act Review commenced in July 2020, and is a comprehensive examination of the effectiveness of the FSANZ Act and the associated operations and responsibilities FSANZ.

        Stakeholders are being asked for their views on the next phase of consultation, including the Impact Analysis, and to provide feedback to characterise the impact of 27 proposed concepts across four themes. These concepts have been consolidated into 20 components in an impact analysis due to alignment of several concepts. 

        Public Consultation - Review of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 - Impact Analysis

        2023 RELEASE

        FSANZ P1010 regulation of nutrition content and health claims for sports foods

        Closed 4 September

        FSANZ has announced a consultation on Standard 2.9.4 – Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods (FSSF) of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. The consultation scope is on the regulation of nutrition content and health claims for sports foods.

        FSANZ is gathering stakeholder views through this consultation, before developing specific proposed changes to the Standard 2.9.4, which will then be subject to a 1st statutory Call for Submissions (public consultation).

        P1010 Consultation Paper Two - Nutrition and Health Claims

        FSANZ P1010 Regulatory Framework for Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods

        Closed 9 March 2023

        FSANZ are reviewing the regulatory framework of Standard 2.9.4 – Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code). Stakeholder comment is sought on the issues outlined in the consultation paper, which include definitions, broad composition (regulatory framework only, not individual substances), labelling and the regulation of electrolyte drinks. Specific questions for stakeholders have been included in each section as well as a summary list in the final section of the paper.

        P1010 – Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods 

        FSANZ P1056 Caffeine Review

        Closed 13 February 2023

        Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for comment on its review of permissions for caffeine in sports and general foods.   

        This proposal follows the Urgent Proposal P1054 - Pure and highly concentrated caffeine products which was prepared to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to prohibit the retail sale of pure and highly concentrated caffeine food products. This was undertaken as an urgent standard once an interim report found pure and highly concentrated caffeine food products posed an immediate and acute risk to consumers.

        FSANZ P1056 - Caffeine Review 

        2022 Release

        FSANZ Review of the kava standard 

        Closed 16 November 2022

        In March 2022, the FSANZ Board approved a variation to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) after considering an urgent proposal to clarify the existing permission for kava. Under the urgent proposal provisions, FSANZ has assessed the resulting variation and is calling for submissions to help decide whether to reaffirm the variation or prepare a proposal to amend or repeal the variation. The purpose of the review is to ensure provisions for kava in the Code continue to protect public health and safety after Australia lifted the ban on commercial importation of kava from 1 December 2021.

        FSANZ Call for comment on the 12 month review of the kava food standard   

        FSANZ P1028 – Infant Formula 

        Closed 17 June 2022

        FSANZ invites written submissions on the assessment of the Proposal P1028 - Infant formula. The assessment summarises FSANZ considerations to date and presents preferred options for potential  amendments to Standard 2.9.1, Schedule 29, and other standards relevant to infant formula product requirements.

        FSANZ will continue to engage with stakeholders throughout the proposal process, including undertaking workshops during the first consultation period and releasing a second public consultation later in 2022.

        FSANZ Consultation P1028 – Infant Formula

        2021 RELEASE

        FSANZ A1233 -2’-FL from new GM source for infant formula 

        Closed 31 January 2022

        This application seeks to permit 2′-fucosyllactose (2′-FL), produced by genetically modified Escherichia coli K-12, in infant formula products. The Code already permits the addition of 2′-FL as a nutritive substance to IFP. However, this permission does not apply to the 2′-FL produced using E. coli K12 containing the gene for alpha-1,2-fucosyltransferase from Bacteroides vulgatus which has a different genetically modified source organism and specifications. The application therefore seeks to amend Schedule 26 to permit this alternative genetically modified source organism.

        FSANZ A1233 -2’-FL from new GM source for infant formula 

        Proposal P1057 - Review of the kava standard

        Closed 23 December 2021

        FSANZ are calling for public comment on Proposal P1057 – Review of the kava standard and declared it urgent. This review supports a Federal Government pilot program that will allow commercial importation of kava into Australia to build stronger cultural and economic ties with Pacific Island nations. Kava beverage has a long history of consumption in the South Pacific and plays an important role in traditional community ceremonies. In its review, FSANZ aims to clarify the existing permissions for kava in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to:   -  limit the preparation and consumption of kava beverages to traditional use, and

        - ensure that food additives and processing aids may not be added to dried or raw kava root or kava beverages.

        FSANZ expect to complete the urgent part of the review in the first quarter of 2022. 

        Call for comment on proposed changes to kava food standard 

        FSANZ P1028 – Infant Formula

        Consultation 3 of 3 

        Closed 20 October 2021

        This consultation paper represents the third a series of three consultations on infant formula, and covers the regulatory framework and definitions for Standard 2.9.1 and Schedule 29.Particularly, the regulatory framework for special infant formula products for special dietary use (IFSDU) under the current provision in the Code. 

        FSANZ Consultation 3 - P1028 

        CMA submission to P1028/3

        FSANZ Call for Data - P1010

        Closed 9 September 2021

        FSANZ are currently reviewing Standard 2.9.4 – Formulated supplementary sports foods, and accompanying requirements in the related Schedules. This Review will include the assessment of data in support of changes to the code, such as allowable quantities of substances and the addition of innovative substances. 

        The data FSANZ are seeking includes data:

        - Based on scientific research – this can be published or unpublished;

        - On one or more outcomes relevant for human health and/or sports performance, at different levels of intake (animal and human studies will be accepted); and

        - Technical information supporting the characterisation of the commercial preparations of contemporary substances (i.e. specifications, stability data, validated analytical methods).

        Call for data on substances used in contemporary sports foods 

        CMA response to P1010 

        FSANZ P1028 – Infant Formula

        Consultation 2 of 3 

        Closed 2 September 2021

        This consultation paper represents the second in a series of three consultations on infant formula, and covers safety and food technology. The focus of this paper is on nutrient composition for macronutrients and energy, vitamins and minerals, permitted forms and other nutritive substances. Where relevant, the prescribed minimum and maximum type and value for the nutrient is discussed, as well as related information such as calculations.

        FSANZ Consultation 2 - P1028 

        CMA response to FSANZ P1028/2

        FSANZ Review of titanium dioxide as a food additive – call for data

        Closed 17 September 2021

        Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for data on titanium dioxide and its safety when used as a food additive in Australia and New Zealand. Information supplied through the call will assist FSANZ in reviewing the safety of titanium dioxide as a food additive following the recent release of an updated safety assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). 

        FSANZ P1028 – Infant Formula

        Consultation 1 of 3 

        Closed 7 July 2021

        This consultation paper represents the first in a series of three consultations on infant formula, and covers safety and food technology. The focus of this paper is on issues relating to the safety and food technology of infant formula, from manufacture of the product to preparation by caregivers.

        FSANZ Consultation 1- P1028

        CMA response to P1028/1 

        FSANZ A1178- A new way to measure fibre content in food

        Closed 22 June 2021 

        The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) currently allows three methods for analysing total dietary fibre and four methods for analysing certain specifically named fibres. The proposed new method, if approved, would be permitted as an additional voluntary method of analysis for total dietary fibre and is stated to be more comprehensive than older methods in the Code for measuring total dietary fibre, particularly for those foods that contain multiple fibre types.

        FSANZ consultation A1178

        CMA Response to FSANZ consultation A1178

        FSANZ Caffeine Review - P1056

        Proposal P1056 will review the permissions for caffeine in sports foods and general foods and consider the risk it poses to sensitive sub-populations.

        After considering all submissions received in response to the July 2020 Urgent Proposal P1054 - Pure and highly concentrated caffeine products consultation, the FSANZ Board approved a decision to prepare a proposal for the Caffeine review. The latest proposal seeks to address issues raised in the pure and highly concentrated caffeine products consultation which was prepared as an emergency interim response and prohibited the retail sale of foods in which total caffeine is present in a concentration of 5% or more (if the food is a solid or semi-solid food) or 1% or more (if the food is a liquid food). This prohibition came into force on 12 December 2019 and will remain in place until the completion of proposal P1056.

        P1056 - Caffeine Review 

        2020 release

        FSANZ/food regulation reforms

        Closed 16 Nov 2020

        Following a plan made by the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation in November 2019, a review of the food regulatory system including the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 is occurring to ensure it remains strong, robust and agile into the future. Stakeholders are strongly encouraged to respond to the consultation, via online survey by 16 November. The consultation asks key questions about the regulation of foods, including items of key interest to you, including issues regarding the food-medicine interface and the possibility of regular, more holistic reviews of food standards. For more information please see the Department of Health’s Consultation Hub


        Closed 11 September 2020

        Following urgent public consultation after a  review and report to Australian Government Ministers in August 2019 that found pure and highly concentrated caffeine food products posed an immediate  and acute risk to consumers, FSANZ approved the prohibition of the retail sale of foods in which total caffeine is present in a concentration of 5% or more (if the food is a solid or semi-solid) or 1% or more (if the food is a liquid). This prohibition came into force on December 2019.

        FSANZ has 12 months to undertake a full assessment of the prohibition and decide whether to confirm, reject or amend the approved variation. FSANZ are calling for submissions to help decide to reaffirm the variation or to prepare a proposal to amend or repeal the variation. 

        FSANZ Consultation 

        CMA Submission to the Pure and Highly Concentrated caffeine consultation


        Closed 27 February 2020

        The Government has recommended that this be finalised by Sep 2020.

        FSANZ have released a second call for submissions in relation to a proposal to make allergen labelling requirements clearer and more consistent by including requirements for how and where the declarations must be made on food labels. FSANZ is therefore proposing to amend the Code to require the following:

        The separate declaration of:


        -individual tree nuts

        - individual gluten grains.

        ·the use of mandatory specified terms of the allergen source when declaring allergens.

        ·For packaged foods:

        - the declaration of allergens in the statement of ingredients using bold font and in a separate emboldened allergen summary statement.

        FSANZ Consultation 

        CMA Submission to FSANZ Plain English Allergen Labelling.

        Final changes: FSANZ update  

        2019 release


        Closed 14 November 2019

        CMA’s response to FSANZ’s proposal to prohibit the retail sale of pure and highly concentrated caffeine food products addresses importation of caffeine containing products, the potential risks of over-regulation and the need for further clarity for stakeholders at the food-medicine interface.

        FSANZ Proposal 

        CMA submission to Pure and Highly Concentrated Caffeine Products 

        Outcome 12 Dec 2019 - FSANZ Final consideration report


        Complementary Medicines Australia supports appropriate government regulation for complementary healthcare products that recognises the low risk nature of the products whilst upholding safety, quality and efficacy standards necessary to ensure consumer confidence.

        Submissions to the Therapeutic Goods Administration

        The following submissions are in response to the following TGA consultation documents:


        CMA submission - Proposed changes to the Permissible Ingredients Determination - Low-negligible risk 2022-2023

        CMA submission - Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard Dichloromethane (methylene chloride)


        CMA submission - Public consultation on interim decisions to amend the Poisons Standard -amygdalin & hydrocyanic acid

        CMA Submission - Proposed updates to the Permissible Ingredients Determination

        CMA Submission - TGA Interim Decision Hemp Seed Oil

        CMA Submission - Proposed changes to the T.G. Advertising Code 

        CMA Submission - Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard: Amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid

        CMA Submission - Proposed Changes to Required Advisory Statements for (Registered Complementary) Medicine labels – Menthol and Methyl salicylate

        CMA Submission - TGA Fees and Charges Fees Proposal 2021-22

        CMA Submission - Efficacy monographs for listed medicines

        CMA Submission - TGA consultation on discontinuing Active / Herbal Proprietary Ingredients and some Excipient PIs

        CMA Submission - Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard -  hemp seed oil


        CMA Submission - interim decisions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard-Arbutin and Melatonin

        CMA Submission - Proposed Amendments to the Poisons standard -Cannabidiol

        CMA Submission - Caffeine Scheduling

        CMA Submission - Fees and Charges 2020-2021

        CMA Submission - Arbutin and Melatonin - Proposed Sheduling


        CMA Submission - Changes to permissible ingredients - Low-negligible risk

        CMA Submission - Increased online access to ingredient information (Punlication of Excipients on the ARTG)

        CMA Submission and Position Statement to Sports Supplements Consultation

        CMA Submission Caffeine Proposal - P1054 Pure and highly concentrated caffeine products

        CMA Submission - EU Guidelines proposal to adopt ICH-Q3D for all listed medicines including herbal medicines.

        CMA Submission - (New TGO 101 - Standard for Tablets, Capsules & Pills) - Remaking Therapeutic Goods Order No. 78

        CMA Submission - TGA Fees and Charges 2019-2020

        2019 Other Submissions

        14 November 2019 FSANZ Submission P1054 Pure and highly concentrated caffeine products 

        30 October 2019  Consultation Regulation Impact Statement for the Legislative & Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs - Clarifying eligibility for origin claims in the Complementary Medicines Sector

        January 2019 CMA Submission - Complementary Healthcare Sector Country of Origin Labelling Government Taskforce


        CMA Submission - Complaints handling - Advertising of therapeutic goods to the public (June 2018)
        CMA Submission -  Adoption of the European Union Guidelines – Ethanol & Boron (May 2018)

        CMA Submission - The 2018 Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code & associated guidance (April 2018)
        CMA Member Only Version - The 2018 Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code & associated guidance (April 2018)

        CMA Submission- Proposal to change the current good manufacturing practice (GMP) fees and charges ( March 2018)

        CMA Submission - Discontinuing pre-market evaluation of Herbal Component Names (12 January 2018)


        CMA Submission - Business process improvements supporting complementary medicines assessments pathways (7 November 2017)

        CMA Submission - Permitted Indications (1) - Health maintenance biomarker claims (October 2017)

        CMA Submission - Permitted Indications (2) - Mild and Medically Diagnosed Conditions (October 2017)

        CMA Submission - Permitted Indications (3) - Maternal Health & Infancy (October 2017)

        CMA Submission - Permitted Indications (4) - Tradition of Use Evidence Qualifiers (October 2017)

        CMA Submission - Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code Proposed improvements (13 October 2017)

        CMA Submission - Exposure Draft of the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2017 Measures No. 1) Bill 2017 (5 September 2017)

        CMA Submission: Enhancing Sanctions and Penalties in the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (31 May 2017)

        CMA submission to the consultation - Options for the future regulation of 'low risk' products (12 May 2017)

        CMA submission to the consultation - Reforms to the regulatory framework for complementary medicines: Assessment pathways  (28 March 2017)

        CMA submission to the Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2016 Measures No. 1) Bill 2016 inquiry. - Click here to read the submission (3 March 2017)

        Food Standards Australian New Zealand Submissions:

        CMA Submission to FSANZ - Proposal P1044 - Plain English Allergen Labelling (PEAL) (May 2018)

        Click Here for older submissions


        CMA's goal is to achieve a sustainable vibrant, compliant industry that holds its place in consumer health. We support the ethical and responsible promotion of complementary healthcare products and their value to the health of our community.

        Copyright © 2019 Complementary Medicines Australia. All rights reserved.

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